niedziela, 28 grudnia 2008

Bruno wigilijny_cz.2

Bruno dostał pod chonikę superprezent: własny, bajecznie kolorowy i bardzo pomysłowo urządzony pokój!

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Aga z pilotem od... papugi :)

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"Bruuunio" - powiedziała Aga i papuga powtórzyła!
kurczę, ale teraz są zabawki :)

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pomożemy Mamie...

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...pobawimy się tosterem...

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...obejrzymy reklamy...

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...i na chwileczkę padniemy...

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...a za chwileczkę wstaniemy i w następnym blogowym poście znów będziemy pełni energii :)

piątek, 26 grudnia 2008

Bruno wigilijny_cz.1

nasz siostrzeniec&chrześniak, nasze zachwycenie wielkie :)
tzn. 'technicznie' jest siostrzeńcem i chrześniakiem tylko jednego z nas, ale skoro mąż i żona są jednym ciałem... :)

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jak widać, na początku jestemy trochę nieśmiali, ale już po paru zdjęciach rozkręcimy się na maksa, nie martwcie się :)

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reakcja na smoczy owoc:

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włączymy Mamusi oczko :)

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trzy sekundy odpoczynku przed dalszym dokazywaniem :)

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ciąg dalszy jak najbardziej nastąpi :)

wtorek, 23 grudnia 2008

Anita & Henning_part 2

Posty o Anicie i Henningu nie są po polsku, ponieważ Państwo Młodzi nie są z Polski.

The Bride's party stopped for a while on the street waiting for the Groom's party to enter the church.

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Beautiful moment - Henning turns away and looks for Anita
though he isn't supposed to see her before the ceremony.
I love his emotional expression.

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Next photo has already been posted as a teaser
but firstly, it was some time ago ;)
and secondly, I want to take the oportunity and thank Patrycja
who willingly became my assistant for this veil shot.

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The third sister, Cornelia, running down the aisle on an urgent errand.
Anita told me later about that pic: Fantastic! She looks like a lion!

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Another veil shot. Sorry, I couldn't resist :)

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poniedziałek, 22 grudnia 2008

Anita & Henning_part 1

Posty o Anicie i Henningu nie są po polsku, ponieważ Państwo Młodzi nie są z Polski.

This year we've had the pleasure of photographing a most beautiful wedding.
It was a while ago :) but we waited with posting that story for a special moment
and now it came :)
Could there be a more special time of the year than this
when we're all waiting for Christmas magic,
and for New Year which always brings hope and promises of many good things?
So in these special days I'm going to show you an absolutely charming couple :)

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The very first shot - Anita comes out of Marriott and looks towards the church which is almost across the street. I love her smile, her energy and the sense of anticipation.
She doesn't know yet that a 'paparazzi' is stalking her ;)

While Adam was playing a photographic guardian angel ;) to Anita
I was at the church keeping an eye on Henning ;)
This is how I first saw him:

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We had absolutely perfect weather: it was windy! :)
Yes, I love the wind because it does wonderful things
to veils, hair and dresses :)
Wind is a wedding photojournalist's great friend :)

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besides the Groom and groomsmen there were also some other handsome guys at the ceremony : )
let me introduce Oli - he stole my heart right away with this soulful look:

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and then I saw two other irresistible heartbreakers:
his cousins Dari and Rubi!

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Darian and Ruben are cute :)
Darian and Ruben are Anita&Henning's kids.
Darian and Ruben are... twins!
Easy to guess, isn't it? :)

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beautiful Bride

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Ani with Patrycja, the maid of honour

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Rita, Anita's sister, one of the bridesmaids.
As attractive and vivacious as Anita :)

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The next part tomorrow so stay tuned!