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I was reminded that there's a demand for the full story of Anita & Henning :)
And this is very good that I was reminded because the story was beautiful and deeply moving.

the mosaics in St.Barbara's church - Anita liked them very much, she said they are full of energy and life and I couldn't agree more

but there were things I liked even more than really nice mosaics and architecture...
for example, what a gorgeous veil Ani had! :)

the sermon was touching and charming
and left everybody smiling

and there was a little princess :)
Vicky the ringbearer (with the little help of Patrycja)
as you can see Vicky is a flower-lover :)

Rita cried and I loved that :) it was really beautiful

stunning bridesmaids: Yasemin, Rita, Cornelia, Patrycja
cool groomsmen: Michael, Patrick, Fin, Sebastian

when the adults were doing all those strange and pretty boring things ;)
some managed to find far more interesting occupation :)

but some weren't that lucky...

because of those cute little guys the official procession got a bit confused and disorderly
but what a fun it was! :)

Przesliczny, taki juz amerykanski slub patrzac na ilosc druhen i druhow...
OdpowiedzUsuńania padzik
Piękne zdjęcia!!!!!!
OdpowiedzUsuńPod wrazeniem - Kasia Korza